Mai Abe



Honolulu, Hawaii USA


Software Engineering , Computer Networking , Sports


Language: C#, C, C++, Java, Javascript

Library: JQuery

Framework: .NET MVC, Bootstrap, Semantic UI, React, Meteor

Tools: GitHub, Visual Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ

Bilingual: Japanese, English


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.S., Computer Science

2016 - 2019


Software Engineer I, Ideal808

Trained under direct supervision of Senior Engineer to provide assistance in developing the company's e-commerce site.

  • Developed CRUD features for website administration.
  • Re-designed product categories and landing page of the site.
  • Performed system debugging upon request.

2020 - 2021

Software Engineer II, Ideal808

Full-stack developer with 2-year experience in developing new features, re-designing, and debugging for an e-commerce Web Application for a Trading Card Game and Collectables business.

  • Planning and implementing user interface for website designs.
  • Facilitate and mediate project plans with web administrators in order to improve web functionality.
  • Facilitate and mediate project plans for a new business expansion in order to discuss app functionalities required for clients in Japan.
  • Management of projects required for company operations and expansions
  • Implementation of new features concluded by the project plans discussed with the company administrators and partners
  • System debugging upon request

2022 - Present


International Undergraduate Student Scholarship, State of Hawaii, Spring2016-Fall2018

$10000/yr awarded to high-achieving international undergraduate students who has a minimum overall GPA of 3.5 at University of Hawaii.